Community Guidelines
Welcome to the Trepai community. If you’re honest, kind and respectful to others, you’ll always be welcome. If you choose not to be, you may not last. Our goal is to allow users to express themselves freely as long as it doesn’t offend others. Everyone is held to the same standard on Trepai. We’re asking you to be considerate, think before you act, and abide by our community guidelines both on and offline.
Trepai's Rules
Share cautiously and thoughtfully. Don’t publicly broadcast your personal information or ways for people to connect with you (no public displays of things like phone numbers, emails, or social handles). Sharing out your travel plans publicly and times you're arriving places is always a bad idea. Don’t ask others to send you their personal details either.
Consider boundaries. Comfort levels vary person to person. Do not message people inappropriate or vulgar messages. This can make people feel uncomfortable as they are looking for friends to travel with. This is an app for connecting travelers, not a dating app.
Just be you. People want to meet the real you. Not your fake persona. Don’t create a fake account or pretend to be someone you’re not, even if it’s just for fun.
Communicate Respectfully. Respect goes a long way. Harassment, threats, bullying, intimidation, doxing, blackmail, sexually provoking language or anything intentionally done to cause harm is not allowed. Trepai is not a place for hate. We will never stand behind racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence based on who someone is, how they identify or what they look like. This includes (but not limited to) someone’s race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, disability, physicality, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, or sexual orientation.
Lead with kindness, not harm. Any acts or behavior that suggests, intends, or causes harm to another member - either on or offline, physically or digitally - will be taken very seriously. This includes anything calling for or inciting harm.
13+ only. You must be 13 years of age or older to use Trepai.
Abide by the law. No illegal content or activities are allowed, ever.
One account per person. Each account can only have one owner. For logistic and privacy reasons, we can’t support multiple people accessing the same account, each individual needs to have their own.
This is your space, post your own content. Don’t post images or private messages from other people unless you’ve been given consent to do so.
Be an honest member of the Trepai community. Don’t abuse Trepai. Don’t use Trepai to spread false or misleading info. Don’t spam harmful links or unsolicited content. Don’t create mass accounts.
Stick around to stay active. If you don’t log into your Trepai account in two years, we’ll assume it’s forgotten and may delete it for inactivity. So if you want to be seen in the app, just log in from time to time.
As a member of the Trepai community, we encourage you to speak up and speak out. If someone is causing you harm, making you feel uncomfortable, or is violating our Community Guidelines–report it. Your report is always confidential. By reporting, you can help us stop harmful behavior and protect others.
We take our Community Guidelines and the impact they have on our community seriously. We’ll do everything we can to make sure people follow them. We have a warning system in place, but if violations continue or if the violation is severe, we will respond accordingly.We reserve the right to investigate and/or terminate accounts without a refund of any purchases if we find you have misused the Service or behaved in a way Trepai deems inappropriate, unlawful, or in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. Including actions or communications that occur off the Service but involve others you meet through the Service.